Supported Platforms
Installation / Running
will run anywhere Python will run. Follow the Quick Start Setup for details.
Diffing on various platforms (or where is this useful?)
diff my platform?
do it well??
That depends. :)
You should be able to diff any binary that Ghidra can analyze and decompile. Typically, this native code outside of frameworks.
Binary diffing with ghidriff
Windows works best with native Windows binaries (unmanaged) vs(managed) .NET code. It's not impossible, but diffing managed code via Ghidra has mixed results. You are better off using something like dnSpy to decompile the application and then just text diff the result.
Mac / iOS
Ghidra is getting much better at analyzing and decompiling objective-c. Mac/iOS binaries both x64 and arm64 should work. Give it a shot.
For any native arm binary Ghidra should do well. If you want to through in an APK, you will need to pull out the binaries to diff.
Linux / iOT
Again, if Ghidra can handle the analysis, give it a shot.